16 May 2007

Pirates Arrr Cool

Oh yes. I am just your average Pirates of the Caribbean fan, and, let me tell you, just an average fan is not to be messed with.

There are nine days until At World's End is released, and I am excited to the very core. Come on, a giant arachnid-man? Ugly ogre children? Puh-lease, how about an awesome plot, a wicked cast of characters, and some very attractive pirates? IS THERE ANYTHING BETTER THAN THAT IN A FILM? (The answer is a very strong, "NAY!")


14 May 2007

Dum da dum

Hello to you, dear reader, I thought you may want to know a bit about me, eh?

T hinking about summer, which brings such things as pirates and wizards
W rites about all sorts of things
I ce cream!
G irl
G oose Girl
I am a writer
E milie

W ill you join in our crusade?
R ifts that close, bonds that tie
I mpossible is only a figment of the human mind
T ime is of the essence
E .T. phone home
S hort of books

about stuff pertaining to life.

13 May 2007

happy mother's day

Wish thy mum a happy mother's day!


I believe that Beauty and the Beast best accomplished the greeting.







I have expanded my territories because one blog was simply not enough for me, eh? This blog is the challenge, though, as I am challenging myself to write things that do NOT pertain to Harry Potter. Easy? No! Fun? Yes!